Tuesday, June 4, 2024

ZPC Twist Doubles 5/26/2024


Before the storm

Zakariya & Naoufal (Champions!)

ZPC (Zanesfield Petanque Club) has an unusual tournament on Sunday to wrap up tournament play for the weekend. "Twist" Doubles is a select-your-partner event with the twist being that you are not allowed to play with the same partner you played with in Saturday's Select Doubles.

The 2024 edition of Twist Doubles added one more unexpected twist--the afternoon play was in a pouring rainstorm! Shirley had lost out with her partner Maggie in the  quarterfinals and long since retreated to the warm, dry confines of our tiny travel-trailer camper, so there are no awards pictures in this particular blog post.

However, Bo Johns was good enough to forward me the official results shown here: 



 1st- Naoufal El Bensaidi / Zakariya Mhain

2nd- Gary Montgomery / Roland Rakotondramanana

3rd- Honor Woodard / Edward Vaissiere

4th- Ibrahim Arzika / Ziggy Kessouagni


1st- Michel Baudouin / Juan Hernandez (both Carolina Petanque!)

2nd- Eric Hertert / Etienne Melloni

3rd- Marc Rankin / Karen Rankin

4th- Amy Ferketich / Michael Brown



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