Thursday, June 20, 2024

Wednesday morning at Tanger Gardens (Greensboro)


Jody and Nate

Lorie (?) and Barbara

Though many of you may not have yet made the journey over to Greensboro to play on the beautiful terrain at Tanger Gardens (1105 Hobbs Rd), the local support there remains good.

Of course, like all our Carolina Petanque venues, Greensboro is always welcoming and appreciative of any new players that may stumble upon this real gem of a place to play.

Most of the terrain enjoys cool shade for the earliest part of the day--play starts at 

There were a couple of guys who happened upon our group of Wednesday morning players--a father/son duo from Chattanooga, TN. Jody and Nate took a few minutes out of their day to throw a few boules and learn a little about our game of choice.

I failed to get their story of how they came to be in NC, but I hope they're able to return sometime in the future.

Towards the end of Wednesday's session, two ladies came over to watch for a while. Lorie (?) and Barbara expressed some interest, and we hope to see them again soon.

BTW, it was Frank's birthday on Wednesday, so he got to enjoy (maybe?) a rousing (?) rendition of "Happy Birthday" from the group. I know he had fun the first part of his day, and I hope he enjoyed the rest of his special day as well! 

Frank Bocci


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