Friday, June 28, 2024

Back in GSO again for the second week in a row


Tina Currie

As some of you may know, Shirley and I are trying to cut back, at least a little, on some of the travel we do for petanque. We had told John & Mary Jo, who are doing a great job, along with some help from Frank, of coordinating play efforts at Tanger Garden, that we would probably be making the drive over for Wednesday morning play only once or twice a month.

But Tina sent us a message that she was back in Carolina after a somewhat extended trip to Texas and wanted to know if we'd plan to play in GSO on the 26th. So we did!

Take a look at the last picture above and you'll see the one little corner of shade we had left by the time we finished as contrasted to the first few pictures where shade was abundant.

Maybe we should start a little earlier than 9:30 (hint, hint), John and Mary Jo!


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