Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 20, 2022, in Lincolnton



That's Mike on the bottom!


As mentioned in the previous post, Songmi Keating and her family have been visiting in North Carolina and playing at some of our varied venues. Wednesday evening they joined us at our second home in Lincolnton.

We had ten players and Song's two young children (Jamie and Mika)  turn out. Our terrain is just wide enough for two 3.5 meter lanes, so both were in use.

Tina Currie made the trip all the way over from Candor, NC, to join us, and Jane Cameron stopped in to play on her way home from an Asheville trip. Marc, Kathy, and Juan came from Hickory. Tracie drove down from Valdese.

As you can probably see from the pictures, we had a great time and very much look forward to seeing Song, Mike, and the kids again in the future.


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