Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Miller Park on 9/27/2020


John, Owen, Jack, Lucille. and Anna



Masked Man (Earl from Texas)

Al and Heidi w/Barb, Pat, and Earl

Bob and Fred

Kirk, Bo, and Parker in the background

Heidi, Earl, and Al

Ann and David

Sam and Jeff

Parker in the foreground

Shirley, Gary, Preston, Tess, Rom, Barb, Fred, Gail, Patrick, John W, Jack, Owen, Lucille, Anna, Jeff, Sam, Al, Heidi, Earl, Pam, Kirk, Bo, Parker, David, Ann, and Bob Moyer came out to play in Winston-Salem on Sunday afternoon. The crowd of twenty-six (26) was one of the largest of the year. We were still able to distance ourselves with the eight courts remaining after the AARP exercise facility replaced our old "sun courts."  Mask wearing remains near universal.

It would seem that the Covid season has many of us suffering from a little "cabin fever." That's the ONLY kind of fever we're happy with for sure.

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