Monday, June 24, 2019

Western Piedmont Community College-- 2019 Boys Camp

Jennifer Patton, Director Educational Talent Search

Carolina Petanque was honored to be a part of Western Piedmont Community College's 2019 summer camp experience for young boys. On the first day of their four-day camp experience, the boys, along with the director of the camp activities, Jennifer Patton, and several adult assistants (Susan, Angela, Teah, and Julie) from the college's program, came to visit with us a Catawba Sport Complex, 128 Greenlee Ford Rd, Morganton, NC.

Many thanks to the college for including us in their itinerary which included such other exciting adventures and new experiences as (black-smithing, homesteading, cooking class, museum visits, train rides, live theater, etc.

Also, thanks to the Carolina Petanque members who willingly gave of their time and knowledge to work with the boys. Steve Gantt, Jeff Stark, Mike House, Tracie Jeffries, Danny Daniels , Sue Daniels, Bob Robertson, David Daniel, Ronnie Thompson, and Kaye Taliana all attended in addition to Shirley and myself.

Here is the text of an email that Jennifer sent regarding the event:

Good morning!
I wanted to get back with you all and express my utmost gratitude for the unbelievable Pe’tanque experience you provided for our group of boys.  I have never witnessed a more gracious and genuine welcome than what we received last Monday morning.  I was overwhelmed with the respect and caring that was shown to our group.  THANK YOU!

Our four day camp was full of exciting adventures and new experiences (blacksmithing, homesteading, cooking class, museum visits, train rides, live theater, etc.) and at the end of the week, several boys said that the morning of playing Pe’tanque was the most memorable. That praise is a testament to the amazing atmosphere of acceptance the Pe’tnque group created.

And here are some captures of notes the boys themselves wrote about the experience:

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