Monday, February 24, 2014

February in North Carolina

Joseph and Penelope with granddaughters Greta and Eleanor
Cheryl, Rebekah, and Bob

Ronnie, Fred, and Bob

Danny shooting


Taking a look

John, Melanie, Robert, and Cheryl

Saturday's beautiful day at the Wiens in Lexington was followed by an equally beautiful Sunday afternoon at Miller Park in Winston-Salem.  The threat of another cold snap usually lingers until around the first of April in the Triad, so we're enjoying it while we can.

Nice weather brings nice crowds.  At the risk of forgetting someone, we had Gail, Nelson, Rebekah, Shirley, Fred, Bob, Joseph, Penelope, Kaye, James, Robert ("Stump"), Cheryl. John, Rachelle, Danny, Sue D., Ronnie, Faye, Melanie, and myself in attendance, not to mention children and spectators.  By my count, that's twenty adults and three children in our group, along with the half dozen or so spectators who passed by during the course of the afternoon.

Not bad for February!

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