Monday, October 4, 2010

New players yesterday

We had a good turnout yesterday for our first play at Miller Park in quite a while. Besides Shirley and myself, we had Bob, Fred, Tom &Carol, Terry&Sue, Bob&Pam, and Francis&Bonnie for an even dozen players.

Fred and Bob&Pam were surprise attendees. Fred had played with Danny against Shirley and me back in the hottest part of the summer. He is a Winston-Salem resident who just got interested as a walk-up and then proceeded to play--and play well. We were really glad to have him again yesterday and have high hopes that he'll become one of our regulars.

Bob&Pam are club members who also live in Winston-Salem but travel the country as (almost) full-time RVers in their big, beautiful Class A motor home. We were delighted to see them make a surprise appearance yesterday since we were unaware that they were in town.

Then there were two players-- Francis&Bonnie-- who joined us for the first time. They are friends of Terry&Sue and had been promising to come play the next time we played at Miller Park. Well, yesterday was that day. They both took to the game immediately (that's Bob getting them started in the picture at the top of the blog) and we expect to see them frequently in the future.

One more thing-- everyone was surprised and amazed to find out that Francis&Bonnie were long-time (over 15 years!) friends of Tom&Carol! Though both couples had Terry&Sue as common friends, neither knew it. What a small, crazy world we live in!

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