Saturday, August 17, 2024

8/17/2024-- New players in Charlotte


Mariam and Reen

Mica made a new scoreboard! Nice.
We had several new players at Nevin Park today, Jeff Hahn from Forest City, NC, Stephane Allagnon from Charlotte, and Nancy who came a little later with her kids Tobias and Elijah, and whose info we failed to record. However, we hope to see them back again. She seemed to be enthusiastic about playing and both kids tried our game as well.

It was a joy to see Mariam and Reen, Mourhite's wife and daughter, for the first time in a long while.

Mica and Stephane were also there and both played exceptionally well. as usual.




We made it over to Greensboro for the second week in a row on Wednesday. We had gotten word that Paul Kindley, a former member who has moved to Florida, was to be in town and we wanted to say hello.

Gail Dickerson and Eva Cowan, who normally play at Winston-Salem had also been made aware that Paul would be in Greensboro, so they joined us for their first time to play there,

Mid-America Select Triples-- 8/11/2024








We congratulate all the winners and appreciate all who attended and participated. Players, spectators, sport director, tournament director, umpires, RendezVous staff, Michel Baudouin as host, promoters of the event, FPUSA as sponsor, club officers, and everyone else who assisted in making it an enjoyable event.

The team of Honor Woodard/Lori Beth Creasy/Michelle Healy won all three qualifying games in the morning and were ranked #1 going into the quarterfinals but lost to the team of Holly Israel/Robin Harvey/Jesse Israel.