Champions: John Wilson, Cherri Sutphin, Danny Daniels |
Runners-up: Juan Hernandez, Nelson Ricardo, Marcia Reed |
Saturday we had 36 players of which four players won all four of their qualifying games. Ranked by point differentials (points they scored minus points they gave up), the top four were:
1) Cherri Sutphin 2) Danny Daniels 3) John Wilson 4) Marcia Reed
We also had five players who won three qualifying games:
5) Nelson 6) Juan 7) Lydie 8) Eric 9) Mary Jo
In the Championship Finals, Cherri/Danny/John defeated Marcia/Nelson/Juan by a score of 13-10.
We wanted to thank everyone who came and supported Carolina Petanque's efforts to make playing petanque in the Carolinas fun. A special thanks to Bob for organizing, promoting, and helping sponsor our Tenth Anniversary Party and to everyone who contributed to making it a success.
--Gary and Shirley