We had the best weather of the year and the best crowd of the year yesterday at Miller Park in Winston-Salem.
There was a group of Boy Scouts who installed an outdoor chess board (looks nice!) as a project for the park, and they came over for a game before they left. Hope to see them again!
Chris brought his best friend from high school, Phil, and he played great! As it turned out through a draw of the cards, the two ended up on opposite teams for the first game and Phil's team won!
Sean came back as he's thinking of joining a team for the upcoming triples tournament on April 13.
Timothy was there--I think he's maybe only played once before.
Dr. Ed and Anne Shoaf were there. They play more frequently in Charlotte, but they weren't there on Saturday because they were visiting in Winston-Salem and celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary!!! Huge Congratulations!
Three more walk-ups-- Wayne, Debbie, and Zebediah. Better weather equals better crowds.